Miss Ellie from Coffee.org stops by the studios of Fox 10 Phoenix for a lesson on the perfect glass of Iced Coffee.
Daybreak on the Deuce Denver, CO - KWGN
Miss Ellie stops by Good day Colorado to talk about the difference between roast and brew, as well as a range of other subjects. She also shows you how the Keurig K-Cup Brewer works.
South Florida Today Miami, FL - NBC6
Miss Ellie from Coffee.org stops by "South Florida Today" to talk about the difference between coffee roast versus coffee brew, single serve coffee, and much more.
Columbus, OH - WTVN - The Bob Connors Show
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Miami, FL - NBC6 - South Florida Today
Chicago, IL - Fox Chicago - Good Day Chicago
Huntington, WV - WVHU - Tom Roten
Cleveland, OH - WNPQ - Jim Berni
Augusta, ME - WTOS - Tom & Mike
Denver, CO - KWGN - Daybreak on the Deuce
Birmingham, AL - The Birmingham Times
Portland, OR - Compass Media - The Lars Larson
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